Hey, guys! Lots of things running through my heart and brain right now. I have just been learning some things that I have known, but God is shedding new light on them for this time. First of all I started reading Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado. It has been out for a while, but since Lance has been gone, I decided to pick it up and read it. Many things have spoken to me and I am not even that far into the book yet. I can tell, it is just what I need to hear. It is talking about Living in your Sweet Spot. We all have one and He gives us all gifts and skills to live there. I think I have a good idea what my gifts are, but sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about how to use them and what that is to look like. For everyone it is different. I so badly want to be obediant and be used to the fullest to bring God glory. I also want to make sure that I am keeping my priorities straight and not do too much outside family. God does orchestrate what that is suppose to look like so beautifully! One of the things that I loved reading was "You cannot be anything you want to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be." I loved that because truly we can't be anything WE want even if we are skilled and maybe would be great at it. Still, the beauty and the freeing thing for me is We can be everything God wants us to be.
We are also going through a series at church called "Your one month to live". It just started today. Man, it really spoke to my heart. I felt God just using this to prepare us for this big transition that is about to take place in our life, with moving and everything. It is going to be hectic and crazy at first. I called Lance as soon as I got home to tell him all about what God said to me during the service. Our pastor and his wife just wrote a book called just that: One month to live. They were sharing today about how that is what has made a huge difference in there life to uncrowd and balance everything in their home. To live as if they had 30 days to live, and think about what would be the most important things. Tucking your children into bed, Listening to them, not being rushed, taking time to connect with your spouse daily, etc. The most important thing is relationships. To come up with a plan in how you will react in troubled times, etc. He said when you feel stressed, it is a light coming on saying that you are trying to take control of the situation. Instead give God that control and walk in trust and faith with our God. I could go on and on, but I won't. We are about to go through a crazy next few weeks, with moving, trying not to stress about selling our house, etc. I am glad God has challenged us to live this next 30 days like it were our last. After all we are not promised tomorrow. I want my husband and boys to remember me loving, forgiving, and being patient with them. Oh yeah, they also talked about how when someone is told they have only so long to live, everything is immediately clear. Immediately the important things are the most important. I want to see like that. I do not want to have regrets. I want to Love, Love, Love!
Okay, I forgot to hit on this. How many times do we feel like there is not enough time in the day. Well, when we spend that special time with our God, he multiplies our time after. Pretty cool! So when I am packing next week, I am going to want to scream and I will feel overwhelmed and feel like I am running out of time, I will need to just go get alone with God. Then I will have my time multiplied. Proverbs 10:27 says so and I believe it!
So don't be suprised if I start leaving you encouraging comments. I am living like it is my last month to live and it is my spiritual gift. Ha! The good thing is if I write it or say it it will be true. I can only say what is from my heart! Thanks for letting me share. Just some thoughts I've had this week.