Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hey Friends & Family! I am going to try this again and really try to keep this updated for you. This really is such a wonderful way to let our family and friends know what is going on in our family. Especially since we live away from so many of you. I am inspired by my friends Jamie and Rachel. They are so great at this!

Well, we are getting close to the end of the school year. I am getting ready to plan our summer days. For me with two boys and just small children at that , I have to have activities planned at least a little. They are boys and need to be able to burn off that energy. I know we will go to the pool a bunch. It is in our neighborhood and it is so fun. They are already asking to go. Lets see what else, Connor tried out for the talent show at school and made it. It was all his idea and he asked two friends to do it with him. He is going to be singing "Big House" and his two friends will be doing the motions, etc. Can you believe how brave they are for first graders? Connor usually doesn't like everyone looking at him all at one time. So we were suprised that he was so excited and wanted to do it. That means he is really comfortable at his school and that he likes singing. That is what I am getting from it.

Camden is loving swimming lessons so far! He is so precious and loves to pray. He always prays in the car on the way to swimming lessons asking God to help him not be afraid. Well, we got out of the car the other day at swimming lessons. He stopped me before we walked in the door and told me he forgot to pray. So he started walking back to the car. I stopped him and said we can pray right here. So he backed up to the little brick wall that was there and asked me to sit with him and started praying that God would help him not be scared. He then jumped up and ran in all excited! He is always doing that. I love that he loves talking to Jesus. It is funny because we never have to wonder what happened at school or what he is thinking, we always hear it in his prayers at night. So cute!

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