We are making progress and I can tell you that there have been days and moments through the past 7 years where I have shed tears over this issue. I am talking about my boys taste's buds. As a mom, I want to make sure I am getting them to eat the nutrition that they need. Sometimes, it is just out of your control. Connor is 7 years old and he finally ate a whole little tomato. He didn't like it and was scared to death, but he chewed it up and swallowed it without gagging. Now Camden being three thought I was literally torturing him. He was crying uncontrollably at the thought that he was next in line for me to spoon feed him this tomato. I only made him lick it. I am hopeful that by the time he is 7 he will acomplish what Connor did this night. They are both picky eaters in different ways. I have just put those certain veggies on their plates consistantly in hopes that one day they will like some of them at least. When Connor turned 5 years old he began to eat the carrots that I would put on his plate week after week since he was a baby. I was so excited and realized that with some kids it just takes time. They will begin to like some after a while and then there is some that they won't. Connor will eat lima beans, butter beans, purple hull peas, any kind of beans ( really), spinage leaves, carrots, green beans, and lots of other things he used to wouldn't have. So I feel good about what he eats now, it has just been a slow process. So don't give up!
Okay, now the funny thing to me was that it took a while for Connor to chew up and swallow the little, itty, bitty, tomato, but they decided to eat a few leaves of my spinage from my salad, plain without anything on it for the very first time with ease. They do not like spinage cooked or in anything, just plain. My children confuse me when it comes to food. I have learned so much about children and eating though. Connor has been growing in his eating habits (eating more of a variety). I can name about 5 new things that he will eat now that he wouldn't have 2 years ago. That makes me happy! He is still a picky eater, but you know, that is him. His daddy is a picky eater, what did I expect? So moms, if you are feeling bad about not being able to get your little ones to eat more of a variety of things, stop! It is not your fault, it is hard. No one wants the best for your child more than you except the Lord. If you feel like others may think you aren't doing more than you're doing, they will have children one day and they will realize really quick that many things don't always turn out like you plan. right??? We all have our time coming to tackle these issues. Hang in there, Just keep loving your baby and doing what you feel the right thing to do is in that area.
One thing that I feel in my heart, is I believe some kids are naturally pickier eaters because of food allergies. Not for all cases, but I know with Connor having nut and shellfish allergies, it has been a blessing for him to be picky at times. It has probably saved him from trying certain foods that could have been bad for him.
My boys love the V8Fusion (the fruit and veggie juice). Connor is loving those nutrapal bars. So if you need any creative ways to get a picky eater to eat, check those two things out.
Monday, May 21, 2007
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1 comment:
Amanda I have a picky eater too! I used to say that if you give your kids good foods then they will eat good foods. I was wrong. Cayden is a GREAT eater and will eat just about anything you put in front of him. Lima beans, spinach, chicken, all kinds of stuff. Deacon on the other hand .... won't eat a veggie to save his life. Every once in a while he'll accidently eat a bean or a piece of chicken. He could live on fruit and bread.
V8 Fusion has become a daily drink in our house too.
Thanks for your encouragement and hopefully in a few years Deacon will be eating more foods too!!
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